Monday 29 December 2014


Fifth house  being a trine house  denotes   ` poorva punya  place ` shows what meritorious deeds one could have done  in the previous birth  , child birth , pleasure  ,society  and  social  inclinations , hobbies   , fine arts ,  dance drama , drawings and paintings , cinema  , music , festivals and cultural activities  and places of  entertainment  , speculations ,lottery  , money gains  without pain  and  labor or easy   money  ,intelligence , wisdom , religion , traditional  laws  and  spiritual  practices  intuitive  perception of the future  , love  marriage , cure from disease  . This house indicates  short journey of  younger brother  ,bank  position  of mother , friends of the partner ,  long journey  done by  father  ,  higher academic qualification  of father  , contacts with strangers  of father ,  marriage  to elder brother  or sister  are  few  significations of   the fifth house ., ..

Wednesday 10 December 2014


Ninth house  is a house of faith , wisdom , divine worship  , philosophy religious  & philosophical beliefs visit of holy places  ,, father , law spiritual initiation , occult , meta -physical mind  , dreams  and visions ,  long travels ,higher education , universities , submission of thesis ,religious beliefs , devotions  , faith in God , fortune ,
 research , creations , long  journey , relations with strangers  and foreigners , publication of books on spiritual thought ,  science ,law , travel  philosophy  international affairs , matters related to religion,  temples churches  , charity  ,good conduct , purity of mind , penance , higher learning , ancestral property , short travel of life  or business  partner  ,    illness of mother as it  is    6th house  to 4th or life partner of your co-born or house of satisfaction ,success of elder brother  as 9th house is 11th  house etc .